First: Orientation is currently scheduled for July 15th. It has become an online meeting format. Information will be sent to attendees.
Second: Check out our social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn. We are posting parent resources for those of you with children at home. We’re following #GenerationT, #BuildCalifornia, #ExploretheTrades, and a number of other construction and workforce development social media campaigns. Our own hashtags are these; #TrainBuildSucceed #WhytheTrades #ReddingWorks #CarrFireRestoration #skilledtradesNorCal #KeepitLocal and #parentresources for fun and educational items to do with your children while were all home together.
Third: If you would like to help us keep training local you can donate on this website. The donate button appears both at the top right and the bottom of the page. We are accepting auction items for our annual Trade School Gala Silent auction until August 31st, 2020.
Thank you for your support.